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Colorful crystal rings, super cute for summer :) 

! Please note that these are natural materials, some of these are rather fragile. My advice is to avoid harsh impact (this might cause them to break) and take them of when washing your hands & showering.

How to measure your size: find a ring that fits you and measure the inside in mm, easy as that :) 

Available stones (same order as the pictures):

- Sunstone (red with glitter)

- Unakite (green with orange)

- Dalmatian jasper (beige with black spots)

- Turquoise (bright blue with lines)

- Red jasper (deep red with a little lines in it)

- Sodalite (dark blue and white)

- Green aventurine (green)

- Carnelian (bright orange)

- Onyx (full black)

- Snowflake obsidian (black with grey spots)
- Serpentine (green/yellowish)
- Mahogany obsidian (dark red with black)


Please check my Instagram highlight "RINGS" if you're uncertain if you matched the right stone to the right ring :)


Colorful crystal rings

5,00 €Price

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